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    Support us with

    Your donation

    We support children and women through education and training measures, as well as by improving other basic conditions so that they can follow their hearts' path. Become a part of it and support our mission.

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    Billing Details

    Jede Spende hilft uns der Vision näher zu kommen und unsere Projekte zu realisieren.

    Sie können helfen, dass Träume und Wünsche wahr werden.


    Kontoinhaber: Good Pathways eV.

    IBAN: DE29 8306 5408 0005 2300 55


    Bank: Deutsche Skatbank,

    (ZNdl.der BR-Bank Altenburger Land eG)





    Donation Total: €25,00

    Our Principles

    All of us can help. We want to make the allocation of project funds transparent: We want to give every single person the chance to participate in a growing and social funding model and learn a lot about social engagement and sustainable business concepts in the process.
    As a growing network, we try to support as many good projects as possible while keeping our internal costs as low as possible. We have a lot of ideas: We want to facilitate further education programs, scholarships and other aid measures and thus ensure the support of numerous projects. We want to address socially relevant issues and raise awareness in these areas. Dreams and ideas should become reality! Even more people should work for a world based on solidarity and the common good. To this end, we want to continue to be able to provide funding on our own responsibility! Help us to do this!

    Donate now!
    ©2025 by Good Pathways e.V. | Design © 2025 by Viktoria Neu
